Friday, October 27, 2006

Going back to Cali....

Yeah, I am off to Cali this weekend. I am going to one of my favorite places on the whole planet!! Santa Barbara Baby.... If you haven't been, you must. Don't wait. I am also going to see my favorite band ~ Dave, please save a seat for me, I have missed you dearly!

So ~ please be thinking of me tonight for I have to get on an airplane. While I realize how ridiculous this may sound (considering I work for an airline) but, I HATE TO FLY! Maybe it is because I do work there, so I know what goes on behind the scenes!! OR!!! Ooooh this has to be it... the idiot that I dated that worked for Boeing... yep that is definitely it.

So, anyhow send up a little prayer for me, approx 35,000 feet. I promise to try and catch them all as I plummet back down to earth in an fuel filled aluminum tube!

WOO HOO, Have a Great weekend!

I leave you with some Dave...

Where are you going
With the long face pulling down
Dont hide away like an ocean
But you can see, but you can smell and the sound
Of your waves coming down
I am no superman not at all
But I have no answers for you
I am no hero, and thats for sure
But I do know one thing
Where you go, is where I want to be


molly said...

You work for an airline and you hate to fly? There's no hope for me!!!

Macey Moments said...

I know Molly!! But, as a friend told me the other day.."I would rather fly and be afraid than to be afraid and never see all the beauty on this earth!!"

It's True!