Thursday, October 19, 2006

I need a bubble bath!

Well today I am about to pull my hair out!! I am doing homework (microeconomics)and all I have to say is why did I not just finish this crap when I went the first time!! Was all that recreational activity during my TCC days really necessary! I mean do I even speak to half of the people that gave me a million reasons to fail most of my classes! Anyhow, So I am doing homework which requires entirely too much of my brain that, oh yeah, got completely fried today when I got up at 4am to go to work. And my dog is running around my feet making these hideous gagging noises like maybe he just swallowed the head of the stuffed duck he likes to suck the butt of!!!! Quite humorous actually!

So I figured since I was already 100% distracted I may as well continue on my new endeavor and write my second blog! Woo Hoo! I am on a roll. But today I realized something about my new hobby!!! Oh yeah, there is only one person that even knows I am doing this! Minnie while I love you to death I have a feeling that my little tidbits of random ramblings cannot keep you occupied for that long and really I could just pick up the phone and tell you all this stuff in person!!! Soooooo, I sent out a few e-mails to let some of my closest friends know what I am doing! For some reason the sensation I got from that resembled those naked first day of school dreams. I am not sure why this makes me so nervous! It just feels so personal I suppose, but here I am naked as a JayBird!!! The funny thing is I used to write ALL the time! I just haven't in years, maybe I still have shell shock from Mom finding my diary all those years ago! So, please people Blog with me so I feel like I have friends outside of the myspace world!!!

Side note---- dog is now laying under my feel sprawled out on his back with legs flailing and snoring like a locomotive!!!


Minnie said...

You want readers? I'm SO sending readers!!!

Antique Mommy said...

When you've got a dog snoring at your feet, all is well with the world.

Now get cracking on that microeconomics or whatever, or the LL Bean catalogue - your choice.

Welcome to the blogosphere.

Macey Moments said...

I pick LL Bean!!!! Thanks for rolling out the bloggy welcome mat! I need all the encouragement I can get!!!

Macey Moments said...

Thanks so much for stopping by and encouraging me to continue telling my stories!

Jennifer (mom of four) said...

Hi!! I just started a few weeks ago and it really can be addictive!! Good luck with your class and hope you had fun on your plane trip!! I used to love to fly then I had kids now it really stresses me out!! Come by and visit!! I am having a contest!! Jennifer