Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Minnie is making me do this!!!

Well, this is the first of what Minnie hopes is many! I am nervous so please bear with me!

I don't really know where to start. I suppose after reading so many different blogs I feel compelled to tell you my life story. But for now, that is just between me and ... Everyone else that saw the train wreck! So how about I just tell you a little about me - Now.

I live in suburbia outside of Denver. I have been living with my boyfriend, Trent, for 3 1/2 years. We have a great time together and have been through so much in our separate lives and in our time together. (will maybe explain at some point!) We recently had our first child, Marley, who is a 6 month old Chocolate lab and just about the cutest thing you have ever laid eyes on. I can tell you that we got Marley as a gateway into marriage and children. We figured if we could raise a dog to be a good upstanding canine citizen we may have a pretty good shot at raising a child. Who knew! I think it should be law. No kids before pets. We have had a rollercoaster of emotions with this precious dog!! We have had vet appointments, emergency room visits, moments that resembled 3 AM feedings, you name it. I think I am ready for motherhood!

I work for Southwest Airlines and have done Customer service for them going on 7 years. Wow, Grandpa was right... I shouldn't have grown up! He told me not to and in true Erica fashion I refused to listen. Anyhow, I have worked in 5 airports and have seen the gamete of people, personalities, and shear insanity. Pray for me, please!!! The airport is close to the craziest place on earth!

My entire family still lives in Oklahoma. My Mother was 1 of 5 kids, so you can imagine what our family gatherings look like! If you know my family I am sure you can attest to the insanity. But it is wonderful insanity. I have gained much respect for people that "have" to live close to their family. I enjoy every moment that I get to spend with them. Occasionally I really enjoy coming back home! My Mom and I used to fight like we didn't share a drop of DNA. (again, maybe I can elaborate later) Thankfully she is my best friend now. I believe we have learned so much from each other.

Currently in my life I am pretty content. There are things that I would like to change about myself such as my overall health/weight and my commitment to my faith. Maybe this is my first step to sorting through all the garbage and getting back to the basics. (oh, god is that a Dr. Phil quote that just spewed out of my subconscious?) How is it that the things that you want most in life are sometimes the hardest things to focus on and attain? I know that cheeseburger is going to make me feel like crap.. So why, why o why do I just eat it anyway!

Well, I hope I didn't bore you to much. As they say the first step is the hardest one to take. Since I took my first "workout" step yesterday I am going to get off my butt and sweat! Have a wonderful day.

P.S. I am a Dave Matthews Band lunatic, so I will share with you as frequently as possible lyrics from this man that many times are what get me through my days.......

You seek up an emotion and your cup is overflowing
You seek up on emotion, sometimes your well is dry
You seek up a big monster for him to fight your wars for you
But when he finds his way to you, the devil's not going, "Ha ha, ha ha"


Minnie said...

YEAH!!!!! Your first post!

It was so good to re-connect with you. I can't wait to see what God has in store for our next chapter of our friendship!

Janean said...

Hi, Erica!
Nice to meet you. I followed a link here from Minnie's page. I love the beautiful floral background. Very relaxing. :D
Congrats on the proposal! Have ya'll set a date yet? Sounds like you're doing things a good way - taking it slow. The dog-child idea is very wise. I already have four chillin's. They're awesome.
I have a blog, too. I write ALOT. Stop by sometime when you have a minute and get to know me, too. We all have our secrets -
You'll be in my prayers. And whenever you want to share (IF you want to share) we'll be here to support you.
God bless!